Regalia & Associates CPAs
Certified Public Accountants


How can we help?

Contact us for a quote today.

Feel free to reach us over the phone to get an estimate for your specific needs, whether its for IRS tax returns, a tax audit, review, compilations, or any of the services we provide here.

Use the form below to tell us about your inquiry, and we’ll call you back to schedule an appointment. Please be as detailed as necessary. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day.


➤ location

103 Town and Country Drive, Suite K.
Danville, CA 94526

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM

By Appointment Only


☎ Contact

doug [at]
(925) 314-0390


103 Town and Country Drive, Suite K

103 Town and Country Drive, Suite K